




Diameter (mm) 10-50.8 mm or 10 × 10 mm or 10-20 mm or 5 mm-50.8 mm
Thickness (µm) 400 ± 50
Crystal Type 2H
Orientation {0001} ± 0.5°
Surface Finish Al face: CMP (double side polishing is customizable)
Roughness Al face: ≤0.5 nm
N face (backside): ≤1.2 μm
Shape Round / Rectangle / Quadrangle
Grade S (Super) P (Production) R (Research)
FWHM-HRXRD@(0002) (arcsec) ≤150 ≤300 ≤500
FWHM-HRXRD@(10-12) (arcsec) ≤100 ≤200 ≤400
Absorption Coefficient@265nm (cm-1) ≤50 ≤70 ≤100
Edge Exclusion (mm) 1 1 1
Scratches None None None
Edge Chips None None ≤3total cumulative length≤1.0 mm
Usable Area ≥90%
Primary Flat Orientation {10-10} ± 5.0°
Secondary Flat Orientation 90°±5 CW from Primary Flat, as viewed from Al face
90°±5 CCW from Primary Flat, as viewed from N face
TTV (µm) ≤30
Bow (µm) ≤30
Wrap (µm) ≤30
Cracks None, by naked eye, high intensity light
Surface Contamination None, by naked eye, diffuse light
Laser Marking N face, parallel to primary flat
Packaging Single wafer cups
Major Impurities
Element C O Si B Na W P S Ti Fe
PPMW 81 110 9.7 0.92 0.23 <0.1 <0.1 <0.5 0.46 <0.5
Properties of AlN Substrate
Properties Reference
Crystal Structure Wurtzite
Lattice Constant (Å) a=3.112, c=4.982
Conduction Band Type Direct Bandgap
Density (g/cm3) 3.23
Surface Microhardness (Knoop test) 800
Melting Point (℃) 2750 (10-100 bar in N2)
Thermal Conductivity (W/m·K) 320
Band Gap Energy (eV) 6.28
Electron Mobility (V·s/cm2) 1100
Electric Breakdown Field (MV/cm) 11.7
Acoustic Wave Velocity (m/s) 11300

Sapphire on AlScNテンプレート

Diameter (inch) 2 4 6
Substrate C-plane of sapphire
Substrate Thickness (µm) 430 ± 15 650 ± 20 1300 ± 20
Sc Concentration (at%) 40 ± 5
AlScN Film thickness (nm) 800
Orientation C-axis [0001] +/- 0.2°
Usable Area ≥95%
Cracks None
FWHM-HRXRD@(0002) (arcsec) ≤120
Surface Roughness@[5 × 5µm] (nm) ≤10
TTV (µm) ≤10 ≤20 ≤20
Bow (µm) ≤20 ≤40 ≤60
Warp (µm) ≤20 ≤40 ≤60
Packaging Single/Multi Wafer Cups

Si on AlScNテンプレート

Diameter (inch) 4 6 8
Substrate C-plane of Si single crystal wafer
Substrate Thickness (µm) 525 ± 20 625 ± 15 725 ± 15
Sc Concentration(at%) 40 ± 5
Conductivity Type N/P
AlScN Film thickness (nm) 800
Orientation C-axis [0001] +/- 0.2°
Usable Area ≥95%
Cracks None
FWHM-HRXRD@(0002) (arcsec) ≤2°
Surface Roughness@[5 × 5µm] (nm) ≤5
TTV (µm) ≤10 ≤5 ≤40
Bow (µm) ≤25 ≤40 ≤40
Warp (µm) ≤25 ≤40 ≤40
Packaging Single/Multi Wafer Cups

Sapphire on AlNテンプレート

Substrate C-plane of sapphire
AlN Structure Wurtzite
Diameter (inch) 2 4 6
Substrate Thickness (µm) 430 ± 15 650 ± 20 1300 ± 20
AlN Film thickness (nm) 200/400/600/800/1000
(Technical specs may vary with AlN film thickness, hereby taking 200nm as an example)
Orientation C-axis [0001] +/- 0.2°
Usable Area ≥95%
Cracks None
Back Surface Finish (µm) RMS<1.2
FWHM-HRXRD@(0002) (arcsec) <100
FWHM-HRXRD@(10-12) (arcsec) <350
Surface Roughness@[5 × 5µm] (nm) Ra≤2
TTV (µm) ≤10 ≤20 ≤20
Bow (µm) ≤20 ≤40 ≤60
Warp (µm) ≤20 ≤40 ≤60
Packaging Single/Multi Wafer Cups

Si on AlNテンプレート

Substrate C-plane of Si single crystal wafer
Conductivity Type N/P
Resistivity (Ω) >5000
AlN Structure Wurtzite
Diameter (inch) 4 6 8
Substrate Thickness (µm) 525 ± 20 625 ± 15 725 ± 15
AlN Film Thickness (nm) 200/400/600/800/1000
(Technical specs may vary with AlN film thickness, hereby taking 500nm as an example)
Orientation C-axis [0001] +/- 0.2°
Usable Area ≥95%
Cracks None
FWHM-2θXRD@ (0002) ≤0.2°
FWHM-HRXRD@ (0002) ≤1.55°
Surface Roughness [5 × 5µm] (nm) ≤2.0
TTV (µm) ≤10 ≤5 ≤4
Bow (µm) ≤25 ≤40 ≤40
Warp (µm) ≤25 ≤40 ≤40
Packaging Single/Multi Wafer Cups