GaAs Wafer

Gallium Arsenide, or GaAs, is a compound semiconductor widely used in semiconductor devices due to its properties.

Applications and Fields
GaAs (Gallium Arsenide) is a semiconductor material with excellent performance, characterized by a direct band gap, high electron mobility, low high-frequency noise, and high conversion efficiency.
RF devices manufactured using GaAs wafers are widely used in the field of wireless communication, including wireless LAN (WLAN), mobile phone communication, 4G/5G base stations, satellite communication, Wi-Fi communication, etc.
With the development of Mini LEDs and Micro LEDs, red LEDs manufactured with GaAs wafers are expected to find increasingly more applications in the field of display screens and AR/VR.
Project Unit LD Application Product Specification LED Application Product Specification Microelectronics Product Specification
Conductivity Type N-type P-type/N-type
Crystal Growth Method VGF VGF VGF
Dopant Si Zn/Si Undoped
Diameter inch 2-6 2-6 2-6
Surface Orientation (100) ± 0.1° (100) ± 0.5° (100) ± 0.5°
Off Orientation US or EJ US or EJ US, EJ or notch
Carrier Concentration cm-3 (0.4-2.5) × 1018 (0.5-5) × 1019
(0.4-4) × 1018
Resistivity Ω·cm (1.2-9.9) × 10-3 (1.2-9.9) × 10-3 >107
Electron Mobility (Mob) cm2/v.s >1500 50-120/>1000 >4000
Dislocation Density (EPD) cm2 <500 <5000 <5000
Thickness μm (350-650) ± 25 (350-650) ± 25 (350-650) ± 25
TTV (P/P) μm ≤5 ≤5 ≤4
TTV (P/E) μm ≤10 ≤10 ≤10
Warp μm ≤10 ≤10 ≤10
Surface Finishing Surface
Packing Method Coin Roll/Cassette Case Coin Roll/Cassette Case Coin Roll/Cassette Case