RTP Crystal

RTP (Rubidium Titanyle Phosphate) is a crystal used in nonlinear and electro-optical applications.
It possesses high durability, a wide transparency range, and phase matching capability.
RTP is used for frequency conversion in laser systems (such as second harmonic generation or parametric oscillation) and is also suitable for applications like optical waveguides and modulators.
It is a valuable crystal in research and industrial applications related to laser technology and photonics.

Basic Properties

Crystal Structure Orthorhombic
Cell Parameters a = 12.96 Å; b = 10.56 Å; c = 6.49 Å
Mohs Hardness About 5
Density (g/cm3) 3.6
Melting Point About 1000˚C
Thermal Expansion Coefficients (/K) αx = 1.01 × 10-5, αy = 1.37 × 10-5, αz = -4.17 × 10-6
Sellmeier Equations (λ in um) nx2 = 2.15559 + 0.93307 [1-(0.20994/λ)2] - 0.01452λ2
ny2 = 2.38494 + 0.73603 [1-(0.23891/λ)2] - 0.01583λ2
nz2 = 2.27723 + 1.11030 [1-(0.23454/λ)2] - 0.01995λ2
Thermo-optical Coefficients (dλ/dT) -0.029 nm / °C
Electro-Optic Constants Y-cut: r33=38.5 pm/V,X-cut: r33=35 pm/V, r23=12.5 pm/V, r13=10.6 pm/V
Electrical Resistivity About 1011 - 1012 ohm·cm
Static Half Wave Voltage at 1064 nm 4 × 4 × 20 mm: 1,600 V
6 × 6 × 20 mm: 2,400 V
9 × 9 × 20 mm: 3,600 V
Extinction Ratio >20 dB @ 633 nm


Growing Orientation Along Y-axis
Maximum length (5 × 5 mm2) 25 mm
Length Tolerance, mm +0.5/-0.1
Width and Heighth Tolerance, mm +/-0.1
Parallelism <30″
Perpendicularity <15′
Surface Quality 20/10
Coating AR-Coated