Nd:YVO4 Laser Crystal

Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthovanadate (Nd:YVO4) is an efficient laser host crystal for low to medium power density diode pumping among current commercial laser crystals.
Nd:YVO4 has superior absorption and emission characteristics over Nd:YAG, mainly excelling in that aspect.

Pumped by a laser diode, the Nd:YVO4 crystal is combined with a crystal of high nonlinear optical coefficient (LBO, BBO, or KTP), achieving output frequency shifts from near-infrared to green, blue, or ultraviolet.
This provides an ideal laser tool for constructing all-solid-state lasers, covering a wide range of laser applications such as machining, material processing, spectroscopy, wafer inspection, light displays, medical diagnostics, laser printing, and data storage.

It has been shown that Nd:YVO4-based diode-pumped solid-state lasers are rapidly occupying markets traditionally dominated by water-cooled ion lasers or lamp-pumped lasers when compact design and single longitudinal mode output are required.

Nd:YVO4’s advantages over Nd:YAG

TOYOKOU Can Provide Nd:YVO4 as following

Basic Properties

Atomic Density 1.26 × 1020 atoms/cm3 (Nd1.0%)
Crystal Structure Zircon Tetragonal, space group D4h-I4/amd
Density 4.22 g/cm3
Mohs Hardness 4-5 (Glass-like)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient(300K) αa=4.43×10-6/K
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient(300K) /C:0.0523W/cm/K
Optical Properties of Nd:YVO4
Lasing wavelength 1064 nm, 1342 nm
Thermal optical coefficient (300K) dno/dT=8.5×10-6/K
Stimulated emission cross-section 25×10-19 cm2 @1064 nm
Fluorescent lifetime 90 µs(1% Nd doping)
Absorption coefficient 31.4 cm-1 @810 nm
Intrinsic loss 0.02 cm-1 @1064 nm
Gain bandwidth 0.96 nm @1064 nm
Polarized laser emission π polarization; parallel to optic axis(c-axis)
Diode pumped optical to optical efficiency > 60 %
Sellemeier equations (λ in um) n02=3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724)-0.010813λ2