Nd:KGW Laser Crystal

Nd:KGW crystals are known as excellent laser crystals due to their low laser oscillation threshold and large emission cross-section.

The fluorescence quenching effect of Nd3+ ions in KGW crystals may be weakened by W-O covalent bonds, so this crystal has a high concentration of active ions added.

Furthermore, the 808 nm absorption band (FWHM12 nm) of Nd3+ in KGW crystals matches well with the emission wavelength of LDs currently widely used.

Basic Properties

Crystal Structure monoclinic
Space Group C2h(2/c)-C2/c
Cell Parameters a = 8.087Å; b = 10.374 Å; c = 7.588 Å β = 94.41°
Refractive index, at 1067 nm nq = 2.049; np = 1.978; nm = 2.014
Mohs Hardness 5
Density, g/cm3 7.27
Melting Point 1075℃
Thermal conductivity at 373°K,
W × cm-1 ×°K-1
K[100] = 0.026; K[010] = 0.038; K[001] = 0.034
Young’s modulus, GPa E[100] = 115.8; E[010] = 152.5; E[001] = 92.4
Termal expansion coefficient, at 373°K α[100] = 4 × 10-6 × °K-1;
α[010]= 1.6 × 10-6 × °K-1[001]= 8.5 × 10-6 × °K-1
Lasing Wavelength 911 nm, 1067 nm, 1351 nm
Absorption Band 808 nm (FWHM 12 nm)
Fluorescent Lifetime 110 µs (3% doping), 90 µs (8% doping)

Specifications of Nd:KGW

Orientation [010]
Standard Dopant concentration (at. %) 3%, 5%, 8%
Maximum Length 50 mm
Length tolerance, mm +1.0/-0.0
Diameter tolerance, mm +/-0.1
Parallelism <30″
Perpendicularity <15'
Surface Quality 20/10 (MIL-PRF-13830B)
Coating AR-coated