LiNbO3 アイソレータ、サーキューレータ用結晶



LiNbO3 Q-Switch Specifications

Typical SAW Properties

Crystal Structure Trigonal, Space group R3c, Point group 3 m
Melting Point 1253 ℃
Mohs Hardness 5
Density 4.64 g/cm3
Deliquescence None
Optical Homogeneity ~5 × 10-5/cm
Transparency Range 420 nm - 5200 nm
Absorption Coefficient ~0.1 %/cm @1064 nm
Refractive indices at 1064 nm ne = 2.146, no = 2.220 @ 1300 nm
ne = 2.156, no = 2.232 @ 1064 nm
ne = 2,203, no = 2.286 @ 632.8 nm
Thermal Expansion Coefficients (at 25℃) //a, 2.0 × 10-6/K
//c, 2.2 × 10-6/K
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient 38 W/m/K at 25 ℃
Thermal Optical Coefficient dno / dT = -0.874 × 10-6/K at 1.4 µm
dne / dT = 39.073 × 10-6/K at 1.4 µm
The Sellmeier equations (λ in µm) no2 = 4.9048 + 0.11768 / (λ2 - 0.04750) - 0.027169 λ2
ne2 = 4.5820 + 0.099169 / (λ2 - 0.04443) - 0.02195 λ2

Specifications of LiNbO3 Wedges

Aperture 1.0 × 1.0 mm2 to 4 × 4 mm2
Dimension Tolerance ±0.05 mm
Wedge Angle Tolerance ±0.1°
Optical Axis Orientation ±0.5°
Flatness λ/4 @ 632.8 nm
Surface Quality 20-10
AR-Coating R < 0.2% @1550 nm ±40 nm
Standard Size 1.25 mm × 1.25 mm × 0.5 mm with 13° or 15° wedge, phi=22.5°