LiNbO3 変調器用結晶

LiNbO3: 高性能電気光学モジュレーターとQスイッチ
LiNbO3の電気光学係数は、低周波数ではr33=32 pm/V、r31=10 pm/V、r22=6.8 pm/Vであり、高電場周波数ではr33=31 pm/V、r31=8.6 pm/V、r22=3.4 pm/Vです。

LiNbO3 Q-Switch Specifications

LiNbO3 is also a good acousto-optic crystal and used for surface acoustic wave (SAW) wafer and A-O modulators.
CHEMI provides acoustic (SAW) grade LiNbO3 crystals in wafers, as-cut boules, finished components and custom fabricated elements.
Size 9 × 9 × 25 mm3 or 4 × 4 × 15 mm3, Other size is available upon request
Tolerance of Size Z-axis: ±0.2 mm, X-axis and Y-axis: ±0.1 mm
Chamfer less than 0.5 mm at 45°
Accuracy of Orientation Z-axis: < ± 5’, X-axis and Y-axis: < ± 10’
Parallelism < 20"
Finish 10/5 scratch/dig
Flatness λ/8 at 633 nm
AR-Coating R < 0.2 % @ 1064 nm
Electrodes Gold/Chrome Plated on X-Faces
Wavefront Distortion <λ/4 @ 633 nm
Extinction Ratio > 400:1 @ 633 nm, φ6 mm beam

Typical SAW Properties

Cut Type SAW Velocity Vs(m/s) Electromechanical
Coupling Factor k2s(%)
Temperature Coefficient
of Velocity TCV (10-6/℃)
Temperature Coefficient
of Delay TCD (10-6/℃)
127.86° Y-X 3970 5.5 -60 78
Y-X 3485 4.3 -85 95

Typical Specifications

※ 127.86 °Y, 64 °Y, 135 °Y, X, Y, Z, and other cut
Type Specifications Boule Boule Wafer Wafer
Diameter Φ3" Φ4" Φ3" Φ4"
Length or Thickness (mm) ≤100 ≤50 0.35-0.5 0.35-0.5
Ref. Flat Orientation X, Y X, Y X, Y X, Y
Ref. Flat Length 22 ± 2 mm 32 ± 2 mm 22 ± 2 mm 32 ± 2 mm
Front Side Polishing Mirror polished 5-15 Å Mirror polished 5-15 Å
Back Side Lapping 0.3-1.0 µm 0.3-1.0 µm
Flatness (mm) ≤15 ≤15
Bow (mm) ≤25 ≤25