Dummy Wafer

What is a dummy wafer?

A dummy wafer, also known as a test wafer, is a wafer used primarily for equipment experiments and inspections, unlike product wafers. It is widely used for operational tests of manufacturing equipment, transportation tests, and mechanical evaluations (such as cutting, grinding, polishing, etc.).

Features of Dummy Wafer

Dummy wafers are often used for experiments and tests, so their sizes and thicknesses vary. Sometimes, recycled wafers are also used.

Another characteristic of dummy wafers is that they are less expensive compared to silicon wafer products that are particle-managed. They can also accommodate small-lot shipments.

In manufacturing equipment, the first few dummy wafers are often used to stabilize the process. They are also used to optimize and monitor the manufacturing process. Although dummy wafers are not suitable for device manufacturing, they are quite suitable for monitoring and testing, and are often used as substitutes for new wafers.
Dummy wafers play a crucial role in testing and adjustments at all stages of wafer manufacturing.

Strengths of TOYOKOU CHEMI

A wide range of products handled
We have a wide variety of silicon wafers in stock.
Capable of handling small lots
We will carefully and meticulously respond to customer requests.
Short delivery time
Thanks to our abundant stock, we are able to achieve short delivery times.
Flexible response
We can process from ingots for standards that cannot be covered by stock wafers.

At our company, we conduct careful hearings and propose the best wafer to meet the customer's needs.
We can ship in forms that meet your needs, such as in cassette cases or coin roll cases. We also sell wafers without specifying the type or thickness, which can further reduce costs. Please translate all the following Japanese text I send into English according to this standard unless otherwise specified.

Items Standards
Size (inches) 2 3 4 5 6 8 12
Manufacturing Method CZ / FZ
Type P-type / N-type / No Preference
Crystal Orientation <100> / <111> / <110> / No Preference
Notch/Flat Orientation <100> / <111> / <211> / No Preference
Thickness (μm) 280 380 525 625 625/675 725 775
Thickness Tolerance (μm) 20 20 25 25 25 25 25
Resistivity (Ω·cm) 0.005~ / No Preference
Orientation Flat or Notch Orientation Flat Orientation Flat Orientation Flat Orientation Flat Notch or Orientation Flat Notch or Orientation Flat Notch
Surface Finish Single Side Mirror (MP/ET) / Double Side Etched (ET/ET) Double Side Mirror (MP/MP)
Particle Not Specified
Quantity We accept orders starting from just one piece.
Packaging Method Coin Roll / Cassette Case
Remarks The 6-inch OriFla standard is compatible with both JEITA and SEMI.